“Visuals are processed 60,000 times
faster than text”

- Ann McColl

Hi I’m Vanessa! I am a vision life mentor, and I help overwhelmed people who have lost connection with themselves find new direction and reconnect with how they want their life to be.

I know how it feels as I have been there, I am a business owner and Mum to two grown up children. Alongside being a mum I have run a successful business for 25 years, along the way I have experienced loss, grief and I also recovered from a serious illness. What brings me joy being with my family which includes my dog, walking, reading and meditation.

Vision boarding has helped me reconnect with how I want my life to feel and be. After my first vision board experience I went to work for a small charity part time, where I felt I was part of a team and was helping to make a difference.

I believe there is a vision board course for everyone, depending where you are in your life and what you need in your life at that time.​ The amazing thing is what you put down on your vision board often comes true.



Let’s break it down

  • Vision Boards are a collection of pictures, words and quotes that resonate with how we want our life to feel and look like. Although we may set goals and targets for our life our brains process pictures a lot easier. Pictures remind us daily of where we want to be, keeping us focused and helps to create motivation.

    Vision boards can help:

    Increase motivation 

    Maintain focus

    Bring clarity 

    Create accountability 


  • Where focus goes energy flows.

    Olympic athletes have been visualising for decades to improve performance, it’s been shown that the brain patterns activated when a sprinter visualises are very similar to when they actually run. They say that athletes use 75% mental training and 25% physical.

    In the same way we can use our imagination as a powerful tool to focus and help us create the life we want.

    Visual reminders have incredible effect as they create emotion, and it is our emotion that creates our motivation. Many celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey and Katy Perry have used Vision Boards too.

  • The boards can be done holistically or goal specific, by identifying your desires. By playing the what if game or using the wheel of life to see what you would like to create more of in your life. It is important to not rule out pictures that you are being drawn too if they are resonating with you. This is your deepest desires speaking even if you are not realising why you have picked them. Letting your heart do the talking not the head and soul.


“The future does not get better by hope alone. It gets better by a plan. To plan for the future you need goal.”​

— Jim Rohn